The old year was dying, monstrous furry animal on an empty beach. It’s breathing was heavy and its breath wasn’t particularly good. It was a leap year, little larger than the most, little darker. Clumps of hair were missing and bouquets of flowers were shoved into open wounds where I tried to pretend that nothing really happened. Now they were dead too, covered in blood and fur of a memory fading.
The animal opened its eye. It was as big as a lake, and just as deep, already covered in a milky film of close end.
“You know there’s going to be much debate about you” - I said.
“And there will be many theories about you”
“Yes, I know”
“And there are going to be as many versions of you as there are people on this planet”
“And they going to write you in history books, and sci-fi novels, maybe songs too”
“I suppose”
“And those are all going to be someone’s perception of you, their very narrow angle of what did happen”
“I know”
There was pain in his eye, now there was pain in his voice.
“The hero never gets to tell his own story” was it him who said it? or was it I? or we just thought it in perfect unison? On a threshold of death reality thins and dissipates. But his labored breath got quieter and now only smelled of dead flowers someone left in a vase for too long.
And before the breathing stopped completely i know we both heard a first cry of newborn.
Love Manifesto
To a Time That’s Yet to Come
“I love you like a lonely bird loves the sky,
“I love you the way honey bee burrows itself into a flower, drunk on pollen,
“I love you the way spider loves the fly, devouring soft parts, saving the hard ones wrapped in silk,
“I love you the way ocean wave crushes onto a beach trying to get to its sandy heart,
“I love you the way flying through a storm must feel - exhilarating, and probably not a good idea,
“I love you the way fruit fly kisses fruit, I would love to just suck you all in but I am too small,
“I love you the way that leaves behind myths, legends, monuments, larger than life paintings, and fire from horizon to horizon,
“I love you the way people love beautiful idea but you’re real,
“I love you the way that makes separation possible because you never really leave me,
“I inherited this love from my ancestors and I will pass it on to generations to come,
“I will forever revel in the eternal mystery of it.
Happy New Year